So, here we are, we're parents. That still seems surreal to say, "my daughter". For those of you who don't know us, we waited many years, through losses and medical diagnoses for this moment in our life. It was a long, and at times painful road, but we persisted and now have our little blessing, Avery, in our arms.
Our life, our story, the next chapter, began on August 31st, 2010. Avery was born into this world at 8:09AM weighing in at 7lbs 7oz., a healthy baby girl. Of course she was perfect in every way, but I'm her mother, so I guess I'm a little biased.
I'll spare you from all of the details occurring between August and now (February), but I will say it's been.....well, educational. Like any new parents we've had our ups and downs, trying to figure out a schedule that works for everyone. Parenting with a partner who calls raising a child "the child raising experiment" is an experience in itself. Luckily there have been no major snafus.....yet. We're just getting ready to enter a fun time, which is why I felt it would be the right time to start this blog. It seems Avery's getting ready to sprout teeth and has a strong will to get movin'. I have a feeling this will be getting interesting in the near future, so stay tuned!
Are you gonna write about the Death Sled?