Keith is always picking on me for replying to his baby questions with "They say....". Finally he started asking me who "they" are. I never really thought about it, but my answer was, "You know...the internet, my books, the playbook, friends, family, coworkers....'they'." For all of the "theys" I have in my life, you would think I could get more definite answers to some of my questions.
For example, Avery came down with yet another runny nose, cough and watery eye. So what could it be? Since it had warmed up it might be allergies. Since she's in daycare, it might be a cold. Since she's that age, it might be teething. Since she started solid foods, it might be the green beans. Every "they" has an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions...
So, she started crying in her sleep lately. Apparently it could be nightmares, or even worse, night terrors. It might be teething, since she is at that age and all. It could be a sleep disorder, some type of separation anxiety.
With all of the advice from "they" I've learned this....I have mommy instincts. I know what to do when she's sick. I know what to do when she's unhappy. I know what to do when she's just not herself. This is something I can't learn from books, the internet, my forums, friends, family or coworkers. I know what my angel wants because I'm her mommy...."they" just back me up.
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