When Avery was 2 days old, we found out she had a cow's milk protein allergy. This means she can't have anything with milk in it. Chances are good she'll grow out of it, but as a result, we use Alimentum formula, one of the most expensive formulas on the shelf ($25 per can). Since this formula is necessary due to a medical allergy, our previous insurance covered it at 100%! The day after we found out the insurance would cover it, we found out the insurance would change at the beginning of the year, so we ordered as much formula as we could before the first of the year.
So here we are 2-1/2 months into the new year and still no answer as to whether the new insurance, Anthem, will cover it or not. I call medical and they tell me to call pharmacy. I call pharmacy and they tell me to call medical, who tells me to fax proof that Cigna covered it, then they tell me to call pharmacy. Sound familiar? SO ANNOYING!!! I thought your medical plan was supposed to work for you, I mean these people are being paid to be representatives of this insurance company, but no one can give me a straight answer. I've wasted my time and the pediatricians time to get nowhere. So today I called them, yet again, but this time with a whole lot of pent up frustration and resentment.
Finally I got someone on the line, who understood my frustration. I explained the entire situation for the umpteenth time and finally, she listened. Then she read the entire manuscript of phone calls and notes regarding this issue, going back to the beginning of January. After a few phone calls back and forth and after she reviewed my information with her supervisor, it seems we have an answer...sort of. The insurance will cover the formula if it is the main source of nutrition, which it is, but still has to be reviewed by someone after the pediatrician office calls to confirm that she has to have it. Hopefully, we will know within the week.
So finally, 2-1/2 months later, God only knows how many phone calls later, we ALMOST have an answer. At least I have a name, extension and reference number, more than I had before I called today!!!
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