Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weight Loss Update!!

Today's and exciting day for me!  I've lost a total of 14.5lbs!!!  This puts me at my first goal weight!!!  Keith and I have been doing VERY well with our new lifestyle.  I was just telling him the other day how I actually crave healthy things now.  We used to eat our steaks with Mac n cheese, now sweet potato and greens sound good!  Alfredo noodles, Pizza, Hungry Man, and Tuna helper used to be weekend staples.  Now, our week habits follow us into the weekend and our choices are healthy!  Keith has lost a bunch as well...I'll have to find out later how much, but he looks great too!  My next goal is only 5 lbs wedding weight.  Hopefully I'll get there before we head to the beach in June!

Friday, April 29, 2011

All Clear!

I took Avery back to the Dr. today for her follow-up and everything looked great!  Both ears look good and the one that had ruptured has healed completely!  We're so thankful for that!
Today was "The Royal Wedding".  (like I needed to tell you that right?)  I thought Avery would sleep right through because she had stayed up late last night, but apparently they talked about it at school, so she was excited.  Stayed up late last night and was up at 4:30am!  Now she's been sleeping all day.  She loved watching Catherine.  In fact she got really excited when she arrived at the church!
Did I mention she weighed 20 lbs at her appointment today?  Yeah, the kid that I thought was undereating!  I guess I should stop counting every feeding and just let her eat when she demands it now.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Tooth!!!!

Well, as I mentioned in my last post, Avery was getting ready to cut a tooth, and...well it's finally come through!  This morning I did the routine check and sure enough something sharp is poking out of her bottom gum!  I pulled her baby book out so that I could remember to make note of it when I got home.  I'm so excited, but it's bittersweet at the same time.  My little baby is growing up so fast!  She's be 1 year old in a few months!  Time flies, but I'm enjoying every minute and each new discovery.  As soon as she cooperates, I'll get a picture up of her new pearly white!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Avery's starting to check out the solid foods.  We've been experimenting with different foods and I'll have to get some stuff for her at the grocery this weekend, but in the meantime she's been trying toast and oranges at home.  She gets that it goes in her mouth, but doesn't always want to play that game, she is a little princess after all!

Did I mention we see a tooth????  FINALLY!!!!!  Looks like her bottom right tooth should be poking through any day now!  Only took 8 months!!!!

My First Easter!

He is Risen!  Since I'm writing this a little late, I hope everyone had a joyful Easter!  Keith, Avery and I enjoyed our Easter.  The Easter Bunny visited Avery a day early and brought her eggs, peeps and an Avery-sized Easter bunny.  On Sunday, we joined the congregation at Crestwood Christian Church for East celebration.  It was a wonderful service.  The people there were very welcoming and the church is beautiful.  We'll definitely give it another look.

Still Here.....

I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted.  So much has happened since then.  Avery got over her cold just fine, then I got it and got over it, then Keith got it and got over it.  It was a miserable three weeks, but I'm SO glad it's behind us! 
We had Avery baptized on April 17th.  The whole family traveled to my dad's church in TN for the big event.  We had a great time!  Avery got to meet her MA cousins for the first time and thought they were lots of fun.  She also got to meet her Aunt Melissa, who just kept commenting on how cute she was.  Avery wore a beautiful dress, made by Melissa's mom with the shawl from my wedding gown.  She did an amazing job.  She also wore a knit cape that was made by my grandmother, her great-grandmother.  Her Godparents were her Uncle Pete and Kwan and Aunts Melissa and Jenni.  My mom did an amazing job putting everything together.  I'm so lucky to have her here to help with big events like this!  Here are some pics from the blessed event.

On our last day in TN I noticed Avery was scratching her ear.  I asked my mom for some Q tips because I could see a bunch of gunk sitting in her ear.  It was awful.  We called the pediatrician and stopped to see him on the way back to Lexington.  Avery had ruptured her eardrum!  No one suspected she was in that much pain.  We all thought she was teething, but never cried or acted THAT out of the ordinary.  My tough little girl!